Projects Beyond Money

From, the Money Wiki

Movement for People’s Economy or Solidarity Economy

As a response to further scale-enlargement and non-democratic structures of economic life, many research-activist centres and local alternative-economics groups have started implementing alternatives to the general capitalistic mode of economic organisation of life. These implementation processes focus them especially around new democratic and social money systems, such as LET-systems and open money systems.

Below you'll find a list of descriptions, links and information about well known groups and the research they do. Also, a list of descriptions of the most common alternative economic ideas will be provided.

Open Money and LETs

!!Research-action Centres


Strohalm is a Dutch NGO with partnerships in the South. It develops social and economic alternatives by way of comprehensive research, trainings, projects and publications on Financial Micro Initiatives and ecological tax reform, to tackle the underlying economic causes of environmental degradation and social problems such as such as poverty, long-term unemployment and consumerism. Through projects in practise, Strohalm wants "to demonstrate that change is possible". They focus on issues such as interest, money circulation, taxation and the social organisation of economies and help developing practical alternatives in these fields on a local level.



Country: Netherlands, Languages: English, Spanish, Portuguese, Dutch Keywords: Alternative Economy, Open Money ^

TheTransitioner [1] a collective (wiki) website with the objective to provide information on different ways to combine 'Intelligence|nocache' with a fair economy for everyone build around a robust and fair monetary system. The website provides articles and information on different community currencies, money'|nocache and other ideas|nocache about the economy. It promotes collective intelligence and it believes that Collective Intelligence evolves at the condition that there is a monetary system that is not scarce but sufficient and issued by democratic, open and transparent process. There are numerous action and research [2] in development

Language: English and French
Country: international
Keywords: Alternative Economy, Collective Intelligence

appropriate economics is a website that offers information on Community Exchange Systems and Appropriate Economics. The idea of appropriate-economics is based on ideas of Schumacher and refers to decentralised economic systems to the local level, ie. smale-scale economics for local needs of a population.

Localise West Midlands

West Midlands|nocache is a local group in the UK that seeks to implement a proces of localisation of the economy. It "aims to contribute to rebuilding the regional economy by emphasising local solutions to local, national and global problems." It also [4] to research, map and disseminate examples of localisation that provides a direct alternative to the root cause of these problems.

^ West Midlands|nocache Language: Country: Keywords: ^

Workgroup on a Solidarity Socio-Economy

The on a Solidarity Socio-Economy|nocache (WSSE) is a "global network of debate among grassroots actors, researchers and committed people who collectively generate and promote proposals and strategies for socio-economic transformation". Their mission is "to open on-going spaces for debate and networking among committed people in order to generate and promote proposals and strategies for socio-economic transformation."

^ West Midlands|nocache Language: Country: Keywords: ^

Open Money Project

The money project|nocache is a project to bring together and organize the people and resources that are necessary for the development and propagation of open money everywhere. It intends to create a ((FreeSoftware)) operating system (a Kernel) that can be used as a tool to administer local currency exchange between participants. The project is a work in progress - a continuation of almost 20 years of LETSystem development all over the world and other projects. The website offers several interactive ways of learning how to deal with open money or LET-systems.

^ money project|nocache Language: Country: Keywords: ^

Community Economies

The Economies|nocache project rethinks the economy through acadamic eyes. It involves a collaboration between academic and community researchers and activists in Australia, North America, and South East Asia. It desires to establishe collaborations between activists, academics and communities.

Its goals are, for example, to build sustainable non-capitalist economic alternatives and to highlight the extent and contribution of hidden and alternative economies. The website provides papers (eg. 'Beyond global vs local', 'Feminising the economy') , case-studies and stories of community enterprises

^ Economies|nocache Language: Country: Keywords: ^


The website [5] contains a huge archive on different money-systems, such as case-studies and articles. Sections include:

^ [6] Language: English Country: International Keywords: Open Money, Solidarity Economy, Community Currencies ^

!!Local practises and experiments


  1. There is a detailed archive of local practises and experiments available from many regions in the South, like America|nocache, [7] and [8].
  2. Strohalm and the Appropriate Economics organisation offer a joint [9] on implementing a Local Currency System.
  3. The Journal of Community Currency Research|nocache is a journal which provides a forum for the "dissemination of knowledge and understanding about the emerging array of community currencies being used throughout the world both at present and in the past."
  4. The website LETS List|nocache offers an open, free database and search engine of community currency systems. LETS is a type of local exhange currency which is used all over the world, in local area's. Anyone can upload information about their own system and view information on more than a thousand other systems.


!!Summary of links

!!Archive of documents

  • In English:
  1. economics|nocache
  2. [15]
  • Castellano:
  1. economics|nocache

!Other Alternative Economic Ideas

!!Gift Economy

A gift economy is an economic system in which participants give away things of value to the shared benefit of the community.

See for more information:

!!Participatory Economics

Participatory Economics (parecon for short) is a type of economy proposed as an alternative to contemporary capitalism. The Participatory Economics Project is a campaign to promote critical and creative thought on economic issues and vision.

__Related websites__

--- !!Social Economy

'Social economy' is a term frequently used to describe an approach of reforming corporate-structures and to promote the so-called 'third sector' of cooperatives, voluntary organisations and alike. In Europe, this approach is government-sponsored by states and the European Commission. It is, according to the organisers of a [17] in Poland, october 2004, "an intrinsic mechanism of sustainable development, based on solidarity, equity and reasoned acceptance of the principles of a regulated free market".

-=EMES Network=- The EMES Network owes its name to its first research programme, on " the emergence of social enterprises in Europe ". More generally, it studies socio-economic entities that, while increasingly important in Europe and elsewhere, are still poorly understood. The terms designating these entities include, amongst others: the third sector, the social economy, the civil and solidarity-based economy (" économie solidaire "), the non-profit sector, voluntary organisations and social enterprises.

-=New Economics Foundation=- The Economics Foundation|nocache (nef) is a London-based "think-and-do tank that inspires and demonstrates real economic well-being", founded in 1986 by leaders of Other Economic Summit|nocache (TOES). It specifically focusses on reforming corporate structures so "to create and retain wealth in local communities" and to create a "right balance between local and global economies". Nef works "with all sections of society in the UK and internationally - civil society, government, individuals, businesses and academia - to create more understanding and strategies for change".

Other Themes

  1. ((Gender))
  2. ((WorldTrade|World Trade & Corporations & "Development"))
  3. ((HumanRights))
  4. ((Environment))
  5. ((Economy|Movement for People’s Economy or Solidarity Economy))
  6. ((Research|Social Movement Research))
  7. ((FreeSoftware))
  8. ((ResearchTools))
  9. ((Networks|Networks & Radical Theory))
  10. ((Catalunya|In the area of CATALUNYA))