The Writer's Coin

From, the Money Wiki

Blog Title: The Writer's Coin

Blog URL:

Feed URL:

Blogger name(s)/Alias(es): Nut

Blog start date: October 16, 2007

About the Blog: 'I 26-year-old writer living in Chicago. I have an MA in Writing but would like to avoid poverty at all costs (working in publishing isn’t helping), so I’m trying learn as much about handling the finances I have as best I can, and passing that information on to others. This blog will cover my life as a writer and the personal-finance issues writers (and most people) face on a day-to-day basis.

I became financially aware after reading Robert Kiyosaki’s book, Rich Dad, Poor Dad. While Kiyosaki himself can be kind of controversial, I still think his book has done a lot to wake people up from the stupor most of us are in when it comes to handling and investing our money.' -- from the About page

Approx post frequency: daily

Blog Categories (on this wiki): Personal Finance Bloggers, Debt and Credit Bloggers, Investing Bloggers, Personal Development and Productivity Bloggers

Specializations: advertising, budgeting, finance, happiness, investing, writing

This article is based on an article from Finwikian, available under the GFDL, content later converted into CC-BY-SA.