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Revision as of 22:06, 21 November 2010 by Dante (talk | contribs) (ReQuest - SemanticWeb - Transaction Contract Graphs - Vocabulary draft)
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Draft Brainstormining defining Vocabularies for ReQuest triples :

Defining Triples to use in "ReQuest" :

Agents URI ( "with potential write permissions" ) :

- Person ( can include history meta data, relations metadata, interests, etc )

- Project ( meta data : defined in time and space , has a "founder" , or several founders, broader intention(s) , and other types of affiliation from other uri agents to the project )

- Organizations ( which itself can include meta data of Persons affiliated to it , missions , ... )

Objects URI :

- "Representation of" ( one of the above agents ) - which has no write permissions / is not an agent, but can symbolize an agent

- "Representation of" an object

Representations of Unique objects ( which are not agents ) can become confirmed objects based on their metadata and contracts

For example, the representation of a unique design of an object can become "an object" based on its history and the requirements it may have to become an object. For example, a physical object may require further Research and Development, Aggregation of Resources and Logistics, further Financial solutions, and Manufacturing processes, before being confirmed into physical reality, and being confirmed so in the data base through the spinning off into a new URI representing such physical object, and all the metadata related to its history.


"write permissions" :

depends on "conditions created".

Starts by "Person" Creating "other objects" : creating other non-person agents ( mostly projects ).

Organizations can be created by persons, and get legal value through contracts made with persons who represent the legal framework.

Legal frameworks can be expressed through making links with data and persons, and through creating or expressing existing contracts, with the signatures of the persons or organizations involved in such contracts.


A person can also make a "representation of" what it sees from its viewpoint :

an agent can also "make a representation of" agents that have no write permissions, such object being defined as an interpretation. Such "representations" can be confirmed by other agents who have access to them.


Access :

Agents can "see" triples and contract networks that triples form based on the status of the objects created. Some agents may prefer to "hide" the graphed objects they create behind a key ( public key / cryptography ), but an agent, defacto, can choose to share the data created with everyone.


Actions :


"ReQuest to receive"

"ReQuest to support"


more actions can be defined based on the needs of the system

examples of more verbs in relation to contracts providing access to usufruct :